Asheville Area Alternative Funeral and Cremation Services is your reliable choice for professional funeral and cremation arrangements. Our commitment to simplicity, dignity, and compassion shines through our 24/7 availability, dedicated staff, and convenient location near downtown Asheville. Whether you're considering cremation or burial, we offer affordable options. Let us support you during your time of need.
Business Profile
Business Category:
Funeral home
Business Information
Company NameAsheville Area Alternative Funeral and Cremation Services
Asheville Area Alternative Funeral and Cremation, we found them to be very professional and compassionate with us and our loved one. Never having lost a loved one as an adult I was very impressed with how they walked us through the cost and what they have to offer. They did an excellent job with our viewing, she looked at peace.
Mary Marler
October 19, 2023
These people are the most respective people I have ever met at a funeral home. So easy to work with. I would recommend if you need any funeral services to contact them. Great services for the money.
Kathey Lee
September 09, 2023
David & Carol
August 30, 2023
Very pleased with their services for my mother's cremation. Very professional and pleasant to deal with and didn't try to sell us things we didn't need.